Internationale Forschungskollaboration zu Männern und Geschlecht im frühkindlichen Bildungs- und Betreuungsbereich (ECEC)
Seit vielen Jahren arbeiten Forschende aus mehreren Ländern in einem internationalen Netzwerk zu Geschlechterverhältnissen im Arbeitsfeld Kindertageseinrichtungen zusammen. Seit 2010 organisiert das Netzwerk Forschungssymposien auf den jährlichen Konferenzen der EECERA, der führenden europäischen Assoziation im Bereich der Forschung zu früher Bildung. Im Jahr 2012 initiierte das Netzwerk die Special Interest Group Gender innerhalb der EECERA. Seitdem wächst das Netzwerk und bringt Forschende aus der ganzen Welt zusammen.
Mehr über Grundlagen, Ziele und Aktivitäten der SIG auf der SIG EECERA Website (in englischer Sprache). Dort sind Informationen über aktuelle Veranstaltungen, Berichte und Publikationslisten zu finden.
Dokumentationen von Konferenzpräsentationen können auf dieser Seite heruntergeladen werden (in englischer Sprache).
Tagungsdokumentation und Präsentationen
- Brody, David & Xu, Yuwei (2024). Young children’s perspectives on teachers’ gender: Cross-case analysis from nine Global North and South countries. Paper presented on the 32nd Annual EECERA Conference, Brighton/United Kingdom, 5.9.2024.
- Chen, Zhuoran (2024). Chinese young children's gender subjectivities in transnational families in the UK. Paper presented on the 32nd Annual EECERA Conference, Brighton/United Kingdom, 4.9.2024.
- Elkarif, Halah (2024). How do men with different cultural backgrounds survive in the ‘feminine’ ECE profession? Paper presented on the 32nd Annual EECERA Conference, Brighton/United Kingdom, 4.9.2024.
- Elkarif, Halah; Goncalves, Ricardo & Chen, Zhuoran (2024). Researchers' views on, and experiences with, their own 'gender' as an intersectional factor while investigating gendered issues in ECEC. Paper presented on the 12th SIG Gender Balance conference, 3rd September 2024, Brighton, United Kingdom.
- Goncalves, Ricardo & Sales dos Santos, Sandro Vinicius (2024). “He Plays, and She Teaches”: Perspectives of Brazilian children on their teachers. Paper presented on the 32nd Annual EECERA Conference, Brighton/United Kingdom, 5.9.2024.
- Kilburn, Cathy (2024). “Boy kittens play over there” Preschool children’s role in reinforcing gender norms and stereotypes whilst playing with their peers. Paper presented on the 32nd Annual EECERA Conference, Brighton/United Kingdom, 5.9.2024.
- Plaisir, Jean (2024). ‘You Ask Many Questions,’ An inquiry into translanguaging practices across early learning settings in New York City: Implications for staff diversity, equity, inclusion, and quality in the ECEC workforce. Paper presented on the 32nd Annual EECERA Conference, Brighton/United Kingdom, 4.9.2024.
- Reich-Shapiro, Mindi & Aviles, Chris Martin (2024). Eliciting Children’s Perspectives of Their Male and Female Teachers: Constructing Gender in a New York City Early Childhood Classroom. Paper presented on the 32nd Annual EECERA Conference, Brighton/United Kingdom, 5.9.2024.
- Rohrmann, Tim (2024). Gender perspectives on language development and support in ECEC. Paper presented on the 32nd Annual EECERA Conference, Brighton/United Kingdom, 4.9.2024.
- Rohrmann, Tim (2024). Notes from the 12th SIG Gender Balance Research Meeting, 3rd September 2024, Brighton, United Kingdom.
- Serrano, Rosario Merida & González, Elena (2024). Science with gender perspective to develop coeducative skills in Early Childhood Education's teachers in Spain. Paper presented on the 32nd Annual EECERA Conference, Brighton/United Kingdom, 4.9.2024.
- Svavarsson, Hörður (2024). An Impact of Fee Adjustments in Icelandic Preschools on Gender Equality: A Preliminary Investigation. Paper presented on the 32nd Annual EECERA Conference, Brighton/United Kingdom, 4.9.2024.
- Brody, David; Dayan, Yael & Gordon, Daniel (2023). Utopia and taboo: Israeli children’s suppression of gender talk in an outdoor kindergarten. Paper presented on the 31st EECERA Annual Conference, Estoril/Portugal, 1.9.2023.
- Coles, Laetitia; Dayan, Yael; Reich-Shapiro, Mindi & Li, Minyi (2023). A cross-national collaborative project methodology aimed at understanding children’s perspectives of their male and female teachers in early learning settings. Paper presented on the 31st EECERA Annual Conference, Estoril/Portugal, 1.9.2023.
- Coles, Laetitia; Sullivan, Victoria & Thorpe, Karen (2023). The Pride and Prejudice of men’s participation in early childhood education. Paper presented on the 31st EECERA Annual Conference, Estoril/Portugal, 31.8.2023.
- Eidevald, Christian; Xu, Yuwei; Lehner-Mear, Rachel & Andrae, Markus (2023). Contextualising gender-sensitive pedagogy and practice in early childhood education (ECE): Perspectives from China, England, Germany, and Sweden. Paper presented on the 31st EECERA Annual Conference, Estoril/Portugal, 31.8.2023.
- Elkarif, Halah & Rohrmann, Tim (2023). Don't you live here? The necessity of clarifying children's assumptions about male ECE educators. Paper presented on the 11th EECERA SIG Gender Balance Research Conference, Estoril, Portugal, 29th August 2023.
- Elkarif, Halah & Rohrmann, Tim (2023). Male educators answering children’s questions on sexual matters? A cross-cultural study. Paper presented on the 31st EECERA Annual Conference, Estoril/Portugal, 31.8.2023.
- Genette, Christophe, Pirard, Florence & Maulet, Nathalie (2023). Fathers in childcare services and play groups: An intercultural perspective. Paper presented on the 31st EECERA Annual Conference, Estoril/Portugal, 31.8.2023.
- Goncalves, Ricardo (2023). Touch as pedagogical action: Supporting children’s learning and care and men’s work in ECEC. Paper presented on the 31st EECERA Annual Conference, Estoril/Portugal, 31.8.2023.
- McHale, Joanne (2023). Men's professional agency in the Irish ECEC workforce. Paper presented on the 31st EECERA Annual Conference, Estoril/Portugal, 31.8.2023.
- Goncalves, Ricardo & dos Santos, Sandro Vinícius Sales (2023). Research on men in ECEC in Brazil. Paper presented at the EECERA SIG Gender Balance Online Conference, 16.2.2023.
- Rohrmann, Tim (2022). Notes from the EECERA SIG Gender Balance Think Tank Meeting, Online, 16.2.2023.
- Sullivan, Victoria; Xu, Yuwei; Lee, Catherine Lee; Bautista, Alfredo; Liu, Yuncong & Liu, Yuxin (2023). LGBTQIA+ in ECEC: An Exploratory Study of Diversity in Australia, England, Mainland China and Hong Kong. Paper presented at the EECERA SIG Gender Balance Online Conference, 16.2.2023.
- Andrä, Markus & Brody, David (2022). “It wasn’t a romantic marriage”: A metaphor analysis of male early childhood educators’ career narratives. Paper presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Glasgow/Scotland, 25.8.2022.
- Andrä, Markus & Wang, Di (2022). Gender as (a) play. Paper presented on the 10th EECERA SIG Gender Balance Research Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 23rd August 2022.
- Elkarif, Halah & Rohrmann, Tim (2022). Gendered expectations vs gendered initiatives: perspectives of male practitioners with migrant and non-migrant background in Germany. Paper presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Glasgow/Scotland, 25.8.2022.
- Emilsen, Kari; Ljunggren, Elin Birgitte & Lilleng, Siv Ellen (2022). Gender play: co-creating gender research methods with practitioners and children. Paper presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Glasgow/Scotland, 25.8.2022.
- Goncalves, Ricardo (2022). Touch in interaction between male practitioners and children: a tool for supporting children’s care, play and learning and challenging gender norms in ECEC. Paper presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Glasgow/Scotland, 25.8.2022.
- Kubandt, Melanie (2022). The rigid/flexible gender in children's play?! Doing gender practices in child day care centres between binarity and flexibility. Paper presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Glasgow/Scotland, 25.8.2022.
- McHale, Joanne (2022). Crossing the gender line: The pervasive power of gender roles in ECEC. Paper presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Glasgow/Scotland, 24.8.2022.
- Rohrmann, Tim (2022). Notes from the 10th SIG Gender Balance Research Meeting, 23rd August 2022, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Sullivan, Victoria; Xu, Yuwei (2022). The Men’s Centres: Does the clustering of men together in a centre support inclusion in the female-dominated occupation of ECEC? Paper presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Glasgow/Scotland, 25.8.2022.
- Xu, Yuwei; Read, Barbara & Schweißfurth, Michele (2022). Gender and disciplinary power in childpractitioner interactions in early childhood education and care (ECEC): A comparative study of Edinburgh, Hong Kong, and Tianjin. Paper presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Glasgow/Scotland, 24.8.2022.
- Andrä, Markus; Eidevald, Christian & Xu, Yuwei (2021). A cross-cultural toolbox for self-reflection of gender issues for ECEC practitioners. Paper presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Online, 9.9.2021.
- Brody, David; Emilsen, Kari; Rohrmann, Tim & Warin, Jo (2021). Exploring Career Trajectories of Men in the Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce: Why they leave and why they stay. Paper presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Online, 10.9.2021.
- Kubandt, Melanie (2021). On self-reflection in gender studies - challenges of understanding gender in ECEC. Paper presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Online, 9.9.2021.
- Ljunggren, Birgitte & Eidevald, Christian (2021). Men's understanding of professionalism and career choices in Nordic Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). Resistance or surrender? Paper presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Online, 9.9.2021.
- Plaisir, Jean-Yves (2021). Four Men at the ECEC Cross-road: A Comparative Analysis of their Intrinsic Motivations, Work Experiences and Career Trajectories. Paper presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Online, 10.9.2021.
- Rohrmann, Tim; Plaisir, Jean-Yves & Brody, David (2021). A cultural lens on job turnover and dropout of male students and workers in the field of ECEC. Paper presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Online, 10.9.2021.
- Rohrmann, Tim; Brody, David; Emilsen, Kari; Warin, Jo (2021). Career Trajectories of Men in the ECEC Workforce: Why do men leave or stay in ECEC? Poster presented on the 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Online, 9.9.2021.
- Rohrmann, Tim (2021). Notes from the 9th SIG Gender Balance Research Meeting, Online, 3.9.2021.
- Brody, David; Emilsen, Kari; Rohrmann, Tim & Warin, Jo (2021). Exploring Career Trajectories of Men in the Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce: Why they leave and why they stay. Paper presented on the Gender & Education Association Virtual Research Seminar Series 2021-2022, 18.3.2021.
- Brody, David; Emilsen, Kari; Rohrmann, Tim & Warin, Jo (2021). An international research collaboration between 12 different countries: Exploring Career Trajectories of Men in the Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce. Workshop at the University of Lancaster, Centre for Social Justice and Wellbeing in Education Programme for Celebrating International Collaboration (CIC), 20.5.2021.
- Rohrmann, Tim (2020). Notes from the 8th SIG Gender Balance Research Meeting, Online, 8.9.2020.
- Andrä, Markus & Fuertes, Marina (2019). Gender in early childhood education - A metaphorical discourse. Paper presented on the 29th EECERA Annual Conference, 23.8.2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Bhana, Deevia; Xu, Yuwei & Emilsen, Kari (2019). Why men stay and why men leave early childhood education: Masculinities, sexuality and resistance. Paper presented on the 29th EECERA Annual Conference, 21.8.2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Brody, David (2019). Hybridised agency among male early childhood workers as a factor in their career decisions. Paper presented on the 29th EECERA Annual Conference, 21.8.2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Brownhill, Simon (2019). Lessons learned! Exploring the efforts of partners to build a mixed gender EYE workforce. Paper presented on the 29th EECERA Annual Conference, 22.8.2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Kubandt, Melanie (2019). The role of the gender of pedagogical professionals in dealing with children close to the body. Paper presented on the 29th EECERA Annual Conference, 22.8.2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Ljunggren, Birgitte; Emilsen, Kari; Sullivan, Vicky; Thorpe, Karen & Xu, Yuwei (2019). Different cultures different men? A cross cultural and comparative study from Australia, China and Norway. Paper presented on the 29th EECERA Annual Conference, 21.8.2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- McHale, Joanne & Sullivan, Victoria (2019). Navigating gender roles: A comparison of the male early childhood workforce in Australia and Ireland. Paper presented on the 29th EECERA Annual Conference, 23.8.2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Nordli, Arnt; Lysklett, Olav B. & Emilsen, Kari (2019). To drop out, or not to drop out? How do male students in ECEC teacher training answer this question? Paper presented on the 29th EECERA Annual Conference, 22.8.2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Perkins, Helen; Edwards, Tracey; O'Sullivan, June; Corlett, Nick & Parry-Norman, Lukas (2019). Men in childcare: What do the children think? - A joint project between the London Early Years Foundation (LEYF) and the University of Wolverhampton. Paper presented on the 29th EECERA Annual Conference, 23.8.2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Plaisir, Jean-Yves (2019). Open the front door and close the back door: Making recruitment and retention intentional and inescapable for men in early learning programs. Paper presented on the 29th EECERA Annual Conference, 22.8.2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Thórdardóttir, Thórdís (2019). Snapshot of three Icelandic male – preschool-teachers: The gender paradox in practice. Paper presented on the 29th EECERA Annual Conference, 22.8.2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Truffelli, Elisa & Balduzzi, Lucia (2019). University training of early childhood educators: A longitudinal retrospective on motivations for course choice, attendance and completion among male students, to aid understanding of future career trajectories. Paper presented on the 29th EECERA Annual Conference, 22.8.2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Warin, Jo & Wilkinson, Joann (2019). Gender diversification of the early years workforce: Recruiting, supporting and retaining male practitioners. Paper presented on the 29th EECERA Annual Conference, 22.8.2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Rohrmann, Tim (2018). Notes from the 7th SIG Gender Balance Research Conference, 28.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Brody, David (2018). Men’s Career Trajectories: An update of our project. Paper presented on the 7th SIG Gender Balance Research Conference, 28.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Brownhill, Simon (2018). Strategies for more men in ECEC. Paper presented on the 7th SIG Gender Balance Research Conference, 28.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Xu, Yuwei (2018). Review of Methodologies in Gender Balance Research in ECEC. Paper presented on the 7th SIG Gender Balance Research Conference, 28.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Andrae, Markus (2018). Gender socialisation in ECE and the significance of male workers. Paper presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 30.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Bhana, Deevia (2018). Male teachers as sexual predators: The perils of non-dominant masculinity in teaching young children. Paper presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 30.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Castagna, Vittoria (2018). The kindergarten’s teachers’ self-evaluation process about gender education: a pedagogical research in intercultural contexts. Paper presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 29.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Eidevald, Christian & Henecke, Birgitta (2018). Preventive and remedial action regarding suspicion of child sexual abuse by ECEC employees – as part of increasing child protection as well as reducing drop outs and increasing the proportion of men. Paper presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 30.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Kubandt, Melanie (2018). Gender differences: given or made?! Gender constructions of parents and professionals in a German daycare centre. Paper presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 29.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- McHale, Joanne (2018). Male early childhood educators in Ireland: An exploration of the views of female colleagues and parents. Paper presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 30.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Mousena, Eleni & Trifeni, Sidiropoulou (2018). Contemporary challenges and the rise of men in early childhood education and care in Greece. Paper presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 30.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Nordli, Arnt; Lysklett, Olaf B. & Emilsen, Kari (2018). Should I stay or should I go? Male student’s motivation for attending ECEC bachelor studies. Paper presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 29.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Plaisir, Jean; Cole, Kirsten & Reich-Shapiro, Mindi (2018). It’s more than 'he jumps well with the kids’: Recruiting and positioning men in early years settings. Paper presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 30.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Qin, Guohao & Yang, Jiyu (2018). “Kindergarten could be a men’s garden!” How kindergartens work as Professional Learning Communities to support male teachers de-velopment - an exploration study from China and Norway. Paper presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 30.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Rohrmann, Tim; Emilsen, Kari; Peeters, Jan; Warin, Jo & Sak, Ramazan (2018). Advantages of gender-mixed teams - recent data, studies, and policy developments. Poster presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 29.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Rohrmann, Tim; Sak, Ramazan; Şahin Sak, İkbal Tuba & Schauer, Gabriele (2018). Attitudes towards men in ECEC. A comparison of parents' views in Austria and Turkey. Paper presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 30.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Sullivan, Victoria; Thorpe, Karen & Perales, Francisco (2018). An insider’s view: Women's talk about men in childcare. Paper presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 30.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Thordardottir, Thordis & Gudbjornsdottir, Gudny (2018). Sexual harassment and gender stereotypes. Teacher students’ views of the importance of gender equality education. Paper presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 29.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Xu, Yuwei (2018). The gender-diverse practitioners in early childhood education and care (ECEC). Paper presented on the 28th EECERA Annual Conference, 29.8.2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Brody, David (2017). Agency and communion as factors influencing men's ECEC career trajectories. Presentation on the 27th EECERA Annual Conference, 30.8.2017, Bologna, Italy.
- Emilsen, Kari & Lysklett, Olav Bjarne (2017). Motivation and well-being among male ECEC bachelor students in Norway. Presentation on the 27th EECERA Annual Conference, 30.8.2017, Bologna, Italy.
- Liley, Kate (2017). The men who are here, want to be here: Male educator perspectives in ECE. Presentation on the 27th EECERA Annual Conference, 30.8.2017, Bologna, Italy.
- McHale, Joanne (2017). Career trajectories of male early childhood workers in Ireland. Presentation on the 27th EECERA Annual Conference, 30.8.2017, Bologna, Italy.
- Plaisir, Jean (2017). Positioning Male Educators in ECE Classrooms: Preliminary Research Findings on Effective Strategies for Recruiting, Mentoring and Retaining Men in ECE. Presentation on the 27th EECERA Annual Conference, 30.8.2017, Bologna, Italy.
- Rohrmann, Tim & O'Donoghue, Clare (2017). Otherness in children’s picture books. Exploring issues of gender and migration through children's picture books. Presentation on the 27th EECERA Annual Conference, 31.8.2017, Bologna, Italy.
- Rohrmann, Tim & O'Donoghue, Clare (2017). Children’s picture books on issues of inclusion – an international book list (9/2017).
- Eidevald, Christian (2016). Child sexual abuse (CSA): Its possible consequences for male childcare workers. Paper presented on the 4th SIG Gender Balance Research Conference, 31.8.2016, Dublin, Ireland.
- Excerpt from Cremers, Michael; Krabel, Jens & Calmbach, Marc (2012). Male Educators in Kitas. Berlin.
- Fahnøe, Sanne (2016). Forældrekrig i børnehaver: Vil ikke have mandlige pædagoger til at passe deres børn.
- Rohrmann, Tim (2016). Parents’ views on men in ECEC in Austria. Paper presented on the 4th SIG Gender Balance Research Conference, 31.8.2016, Dublin, Ireland.
- Sak, Ramazan & Sahin-Sak, Ikbal Tuba (2016). Turkish parents’ views about male preschool teachers. Paper presented on the 4th SIG Gender Balance Research Conference, 31.8.2016, Dublin, Ireland.
- Tsigra, Meni (2016). Parents’ views on male EC educators in Greek pre-schools. Paper presented on the 4th SIG Gender Balance Research Conference, 31.8.2016, Dublin, Ireland.
- Warin, Jo (2016). Why do we need more male teachers in early childhood education? International debates and perspectives on gender balance and gender transformation. Presentation on the 4th SIG Gender Balance Research Conference, 31.8.2016, Dublin, Ireland.
- Brandes, Holger & Fuertes, Marina (2016). Are men different? A comparison of German and Portuguese ECEC professionals. Presentation on the 26th EECERA Annual Conference, 1.9.2016, Dublin, Ireland.
- Diewald, Irmgard (2016). Men in childcare: the discursive construction of masculinity between heroism and general suspicion. Presentation on the 26th EECERA Annual Conference, 1.9.2016, Dublin, Ireland.
- Emilsen, Kari & Ljunggren, Birgitte (2016). Young boys as "Play Resources" in ECECs – an innovative recruitment initiative. Presentation on the 26th EECERA Annual Conference, 2.9.2016, Dublin, Ireland.
- Ljunggren, Birgitte & Emilsen, Kari (2016). To be a place with boys and men, a good place to work: Constructions of the gendered ECEC organization. Presentation on the 26th EECERA Annual Conference, 2.9.2016, Dublin, Ireland.
- O’Donoghue, Clare & Rohrmann, Tim (2016). Issues of diversity and inclusion in children’s books: results from the UK, Spain and Germany. Presentation on the 26th EECERA Annual Conference, 2.9.2016, Dublin, Ireland.
- Warin, Jo; Hellman, Anette & Adriany, Vina (2016). Conversation with male teacher trainees in ECE. A case study from Indonesia. Presentation on the 26th EECERA Annual Conference, 2.9.2016, Dublin, Ireland.
- Xu, Yuwei (2015). Children's Needs and Teachers' Gender: Rethinking Male Participation in ECEC Through the Voices of Scottish, Hong Kongese, and Mainland Chinese Young Children. Presentation on the 26th EECERA annual conference, 1.9.2016, Dublin/Ireland.
- Emilsen, Kari (2015). Taking gender issues a step further: gender equality and diversity in Norwegian kindergartens.
- Fuertes, Marina et al. (2015). Communication and interactive behaviour of Portuguese female educator and male educator in Tandem Standardised Procedure.
- Heikkilä, Mia & Hellman, Anette (2015). New preschool teacher students? – forming an alternative masculinity.
- Sak, Ramazan & Sak, İkbal Tuba Şahin (2015). Activity choices of male and female preschool teachers in Turkey.
- Xu, Yuwei (2015). Exploring Gender, Culture, and Early Childhood Education & Care in Chinese Societies: A comparative study between Hong Kong and Mainland China.
- Brandes, Holger (2015). Gender aspects of adult-child-interactions in group situations. Results from the German tandem-study on pedagogical activity of female and male ECE workers. Paper presented at 1st Dresden International Erasmus+ Workshop, ehs Dresden, 24.3.2015.
- Emilsen, Kari (2015). Taking gender issues a step further: gender equality and diversity in Norwegian kindergartens. Paper presented at 1st Dresden International Erasmus+ Workshop, ehs Dresden, 24.3.2015.
- Fuertes, Marina & Sousa, Otilia (2015). Child development, language and social interactions. Paper presented at 1st Dresden International Erasmus+ Workshop, ehs Dresden, 24.3.2015.
- Ljunggren, Elin Birgitte (2015). Gender, day care and innovation. Paper presented at 1st Dresden International Erasmus+ Workshop, ehs Dresden, 24.3.2015.
- Rohrmann, Tim (2015). Gender in Early childhood. Interrelations between children’s gender and adults’ sex in research on gender in Early childhood: some open questions. Paper presented at 1st Dresden International Erasmus+ Workshop, ehs Dresden, 24.3.2015.
- Ryan, Janine (2015). Adult-child interactions in ECEC. An analysis of interactions between male practitioners in ECE and children. Paper presented at 1st Dresden International Erasmus+ Workshop, ehs Dresden, 24.3.2015.
- Brody, David (2015). The attitudes of school principals and daycare directors in achieving gender balance in ECEC.
- Koch, Bernhard (2015). Challenging gender policies in ECEC – The glass doors concept.
- Opheim, Vibeke & Waagene, Erica (2015). Gender equality in Norwegian kindergartens: Current status and recent trends.
- Peeters, Jan; Rohrmann, Tim & Emilsen, Kari (2015). Gender balance in ECE: Why is there so little progress?
- Storli, Rune (2015). Male preschool teachers’ perceptions of children’s Rough-and-Tumble Play (R&T) in indoor and outdoor environments.
- Thordardottir, Thordis (2015). Equality in Icelandic preschools.
- Thordardottir, Thordis (2015). Respectable femininities of aspiring female teachers.
- Tuul, Maire; Õun, Tiia & Neudorf, Evelyn (2015). Male-teachers in Early Childhood Education in Estonia. Poster.
- Vogt, Franziska; Nentwich, Julia C. & Tennhoff, Wiebke (2015). Doing and undoing gender in the nursery: a video analysis of the interactions of early childhood educators with children in free play activities.
- Xu, Yuwei (2015). A both ‘gendered’ and ‘non-gendered’ profession: teachers' and children's perceptions of gender and teacher-child interactions in Scottish and Chinese early childhood settings.
- Brody, David (2015). Professionalism and Masculinity in ECEC: Men's Voices from Around the World.
- Emilsen, Kari (2015). Changing the concept of gender in Norwegian ECEC’s … or not?
- Nordfjell, Ole Bredesen (2015). From a handful to 11 000 men. What’s next? [Men in ECEC in Norway].
- Rohrmann, Tim (2015). Men in ECEC – International perspectives in research and policy development.
- Andrae, Markus (2014). Gender as an interactional phenomenon.
- Ryan, Janine (2014). A critical analysis of child-adult interactions within ECE.
- Sak, Ramazan (2014). Preschool Children’s Views about Their Teachers’ Gender.
- Tsigra, Meni (2014). Children’s views on male and female Kindergarten teachers.
- Xu, Yuwei (2014). Researching gender from children’s perspectives: Is the gender of early childhood teachers salient in children’s eyes?
- Askland, Leif (2014). Male Early Childhood Teachers’ stories about their challenges their first year in the profession.
- Brandes, Holger (2014). Comparing female and male ECE workers in a standardized pedagogical situation. Final Results of the German “Tandem Study”.
- Brody, David (2014). Professionalism and Masculinity in ECEC: Men's Voices from Around the World.
- Emilsen, Kari (chair of symposium) (2014). Gender and professional development in ECEC.
- Koch, Bernhard (2014). The child care centre as a workplace both for women and men.
- Rohrmann, Tim (chair of symposium) (2014). Researching Masculinities in Early Childhood Settings.
- Ryan, Janine (2014). A Critical Social Analysis of Men’s Experiences Working in Early Childhood Education.
- Sak, Ramazan (2014). Male Preschool Teachers' Parents Views about the Career of Their Sons.
- Andrä, Markus (2013). Between Professionalism and Authenticity – A new perspective on men and women working together in German ECE teams.
- Dayan, Yael; Perez, Yair & Brody, David (2013). A Grassroots Support Group for Male Early Childhood Educators: Implications for Practice.
- Keil, Johannes (2013). New gender perspectives on german early childhood education? Consequences of the current process of academisation.
- Koch, Bernhard (2013). Professionalization in ECEC and the persistence of gender segregation.
- Krabel, Jens & Cremers, Michael (2013). Ambigous Attitudes. How female teachers view their male counterparts in early childhood education.
- Poppen, Wiebke (2013). Doing Masculinity and Professionality: Exploring the Intersectionalities of Gender and Professionalisation in Early Childhood Education.
- Rohrmann, Tim & Emilsen, Kari (2013). How do working groups of male educators contribute to professionalism and quality in ECE?
- Sak, Ramazan (2013). Behavior management strategies: Beliefs and practices of male and female early childhood teachers.
- Traxl, Bernd (2013). Male child-care workers and their effects on boys’ development.
- Xu, Yuwei; Waniganayake, Manjula (2013). What Do We Know About Male Early Childhood Teachers and Their Professional Self-Identifications? Perspectives from England and China.
- Andrae, Markus & Brandes, Holger (2012). Does gender make a difference? First results of the German tandem-study about pedagogical activity of female and male ECE workers.
- Brody, David (2012). Personal and Societal Factors in Men’s Choosing and Remaining in an Early Childhood Career: an International Perspective.
- Emilsen, Kari (2012). Gender equality in Norwegian ECECs.
- Huber, Johannes & Traxl, Bernd (2012). Similarities and differences in interactions of male and female ECE workers with children.
- Koch, Bernhard (2012). Strategies to increase the proportion of male childcare workers.
- Rohrmann, Tim (2012). Male caretakers working with children under three – research results and open questions.
- Andrä, Markus (2011). Gender differences in adult-child-interactions in pre-school.
- Emilsen, Kari (2011). Recruitment of men to Norwegian kindergartens.
- Ferreira, Paula Frappacini (2011). Assessment of gender equity in educational practice in pre-school.
- Gerner Wohlgemuth, Ulla (2011). Why do men choose to educate within childcare/care?
- Rohrmann, Tim (2011). Does the fear of pedophilia prevent men to become childcare workers?
- Rohrmann, Tim (2011). Gender segregation in pre-school: Do boys and girls live in “separate worlds”?
- Hoel, Anette & Johannesen, Nina (2010). Princess and Spiderman Culture? Status for equality and equity in Norwegian Kindergartens.
- Koch, Bernhard (2010). Male and female co-workers in Austrian child care institutions. Results of a nationwide research project.
- Krabel, Jens & Cremers, Michael (2010). Male teachers in Early Childhood Education in Germany: From research to action.
- Sak, Ramazan & Tezel Sahin, Fatma (2010). Survey and analysis of the thoughts of male preschool teachers regarding situations they encounter at the start of their careers.
- Tsigra, Meni (2010). Male teachers and children’s gender construction in Preschool Education.
- Overview over symposia.
- Baagøe Nielsen, Steen (2010). Gender and professionalisation in the Danish ECE workforce.
- Koch, Bernhard (2010). Men‘s Voices in Austria. Results of a nationwide research project.
- Krabel, Jens & Cremers, Michael (2012). Male teachers in Early Childhood Education in Germany.
- Rohrmann, Tim (2010). From research to action: A comparison of recent research in Austria and Germany (and Norway).
- Sataøen, Svein Ole (2010). Male Childcare Workers coping with their professional lives and career after graduation.
- Askland, Leif & Nordfjell, Ole Bredesen (2009). Teachers ways of regarding presence and absence of male Early Childhood Teacher Education students.
- Peeters, Jan (2009). Gender Diversity and professionalism: a critical analysis of overt and covert curricula.
- Rohrmann, Tim (2009). Men´s voices in ECE in Austria. First results of a research project.